
Safety & Security

Security checks

Our security checks are in place for your safety. 

Please arrive to the stadium in plenty of time to cooperate with security checks and support our security team as they undertake the various necessary security procedures. Our match day staff are supported by a range of security measures which are in operation across the site twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Whilst not all measures may be obvious or visible to you, they are designed to ensure our fans and visitors are safe at the stadium. 

You may also see our team of detection dogs working in and around the stadium during your visit but please remember they are working dogs with an especially important job to do, therefore we would ask that you do not attempt to pet or feed them whilst they are engaged in keeping you safe and secure. 

Report a concern

Security is everyone’s responsibility, help us to keep you safe by reporting anything that does not feel right to our security and policing teams - we will always act on your concerns.

If you do not feel comfortable approaching a member of our security team, then please use our free and anonymous “Text Help” system on 66777

Greater Manchester Police regularly conducts Project Servator deployments (night or day) and this includes a range of visible and less visible tactics such as uniformed police officers, canine units, plain-clothed officers, vehicle check points, CCTV, and other policing assets. Servator teams regularly collaborate with our staff around the stadium, and know what to be on the lookout for and how to report anything suspicious.


Searching is a condition of entry to protect your safety and that of other visitors. Everyone going into the stadium will be subject to a physical search or screening procedure. If you are uncomfortable with our procedures, please speak to one of our security supervisors who will discuss any alternative options to ensure that you are effectively screened prior to entry. If you enter through the stadium via one of our entrances which utilises a walk through detector or a hand held detector,  don't worry, the system is safe for everyone – even if you have a pacemaker or are pregnant.

Preparing for screening - it's really simple.

  1. Finish up any food and drink before you enter the arena itself as you’re not allowed to take these in with you.
  2. Head to the entrance that is stated on your ticket and join one of the queues.
  3. Have your tickets ready for scanning.
  4. Keep your bags and coats on your person, there is no need to take items from your pockets, unless instructed to by our security team.
  5. Follow the instructions when directed by one of the team.
  6. You may be required to undergo a further search; you’ll be instructed to head to the nearest search table if required.

Bag policy

We have a stadium-wide bag policy in place at Old Trafford; all bags will be physically and/or visually searched at the stadium entrance.

Any bags larger than 20cm x 15cm x 5cm (8" x 6" x 2") will not be allowed onto the stadium footprint and must be deposited at a designated bag drop facility for collection post-fixture.

Exceptions to the bag policy will only be made for bags containing essential medical provisions and/or equipment or baby changing items.

Bag drop facilities are located in E2 car park (location for away supporters), N2 car park, W2 Cosgrove car park, and the Manchester United Foundation car park accessed off Railway Road.

There is a £5 charge to leave an item at a ‘Bag Drop’, with all profits going to the Manchester United Foundation to support their work using football to engage and inspire young people across Greater Manchester to create a better life for themselves and the communities in which they live.

Prohibited Items

Frequently Asked Questions

Bag policy
